Pure Blue Japan - [5410-3] Yarn Dyed Indigo Hoodie/Sashiko

$ 362.00

Yarn- dyed Indigo Hoodie - Sashiko An indigo hoodie with a sashiko
texture. This original fleece was created from the desire to create a sashiko fleece.
The surface is made with two colors of indigo yarn, a dark one and a slightly lighter medium density, and knitted to have a sashiko-like texture.
This is also a fabric that you can enjoy changing over time. It
is also knitted slowly without tension, resulting in a very soft texture.
The hood is firmly double-stitched, and you can increase the warmth of the neck area by fastening the buttons around the neck. It may
look simple at first glance, but it is a piece full of attention to detail .

Size Equivalency:

4 is equal to Medium

5 is equal to Large

6 is equal to XL